YOU may already be at 50/50

In a fit of “I want to get to 50/50 and have a perfectly balanced life in which I work 30 hours a week, my husband works 30 hours a week, and we’re completely sharing raising the kids and maintaining the house” I purchased getting to 50/50: how working Couples Can have it all by Sharing it all by Sharon Meers and Joanna Strober.

After inhaling the book at regular intervals in the hopes of discovering the secret formula to work and life BALANCE, I learned that I may already be at 50/50. Oh shit.

Are you already at 50/50?

Do you work at something that gives you personal complete satisfaction and pays at least 10% of the household income?

Does your partner put the children to bed once in a while?

Does your partner know how to make a good kid’s lunch?

Does your partner trade off times to stay home with a sick kid?

If you answered yes to 50% of these questions, you may already be at 50/50.
If you answered yes to 100% of these questions, you are probably at 50/50.

But seriously folks, I don’t earn 50% of the household income. So, I’m not at 50/50, right? There’s the loophole. That’s why they call the book getting to 50/50 because it’s a continuing process of making trade-offs and valuing each other’s chosen profession and working together as a family unit and team.

Oh crap. We do that stuff already.

So, are you 50/50? how can you tell?

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